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Shipping & return

Free UK shipping on orders over £50

Worldwide shipping is available 

Time to get to each region:

UK: 1-7 days

EU: 7-14 days

Worldwide: 7-17 days 




Once packages has been ship and you have received a tracking number we (goalbody) is no longer responsible for your package. 

If there is any issues with your package such as delivery, wrong address, or package delay or stolen package please contact Royal Mail or your local shipping company if your package has reached your country!


Items can NOT be returned unless there was a mistake on my end and you did not open the bottle.




Our policy


Our response time is 24-120 hours as times can get very busy so please be patient! We do not work on holidays or weekends.



Orders cannot be refunded once placed. If your package arrives damaged please contact us at  with evidence! Any enquires about orders please feel free to email/dm us. Thank you!


Once packages has been shipped and you received a tracking number we (goalbody) is no longer responsible for your package!


If there is any issues with your package such as delivery, wrong addres, package delay or stolen package please contact Royal Mail or your local shipping company if your package has reached your country!


Unfortunately, ANY form of an invalid address (including missing apt./suite #, incorrect house/street number, incorrect zip code, etc. )   WILL BE INSTANTLY canceled, and put back up on our website for repurchase. We are no longer GUARANTEEING the correction of addresses, therefore, be sure to input the CORRECT ADDRESS UPON CHECKOUT. Once put back on the website you have the option to repurchase with the correct address, however, the item(s) will not be held for you for repurchase.


Are The Pills Apetamin?

Our Pills Are NOT Apetamin!! Our pills were specially created to slow down your metabolism to increase your appetite so  you can gain weight!


What are the side affects?

You will be drowsy the first few days, we recommend taking them on a chill day with nothing planned!


Can I take the pills while breastfeeding?

NO! We don't recommend taking them while breastfeeding!


Can I take while on birth control?

Yes! birth control will not affect the pills from helping you gain weight!


How soon until I see results?

You will notice results within 7 days with a weight/body scale. You will see visible results within 14 days. We suggest you take before & after pictures to see a change but please not that everyone body is not the same.. some may show in 1 week some people might not!


Why am I not seeing any results?

Everybody is not the same! some will see faster than others! it doesn't mean the pills are not working, you just have to be consistent and eat your everyday!


I'm not seeing any results can I get a refund?

That's like eating a bag of chips and taking it back to the store saying you don't want them anymore! it is not ok to dispute a charge on a order you have receive and already took! we did not say our pills were god & they'll work for every person on this planet! everybody is not the same our pills will work for some people and they may not work for others EVERY BODY BODY IS NOT THE SAME!!!


What are the side effects?

Within an hour you take your first capsule you will feel drowsy because your body has to get use to them. We suggest not to take your first capsule before work, school or etc due to this sleepy side effect, you should take your first pill on a non busy day or in the afternoon after school or on a day you would’nt be very active. these side effects only last for the first 2 days. After those 2 days your body will get use to the capsules and those side effects will disappear.


What are our weight gain pills for?

Our weight gain pills enhances your appetite while slowing down your metabolism which causes you to intake the calories needed to gain weight.


Will my weight stay after I stop taking these pills?

Your weight WILL stick after reaching your weight gain goal and no need to further take. Just make sure you aren’t starving yourself throughout the day after reaching your weight goal.


What should I do while taking this supplement for the best results?

We suggest you to eat 2000+ calories daily. With high calorie foods/snacks & protein shakes you can achieve the 2000+ calorie goal easily. Our pills increases your appetite enough to consume this amount of calories.


Can pregnant women take these capsules?

We do not recommend.


Does the weight remain the same after?

YES, the weight does remain the same unless you stop or don't eat how you suppose to. I recommend creating a schedule and sticking to it.


Will it affect your body in the future? Health wise.

NO! We wouldn't sell anything to affect your health.


How long is shipping? 

Please review our "Shipping & Returns"



How long does it take to gain?

If taken properly you should notice change within the first week, but that's totally up to you and your schedule. 


Do I have to work out with the pills in order for them to work ? 

NO!, You so not have to work out but be sure to wear a waist shaper so you won’t get a little pudge. If you don’t have one be sure to look in our Products Section For One. Just make sure you drink lots of water. You don’t even have  to eat some days I didn’t really eat and still gained!